Roofing is an ever changing industry – with new developments and products continously available – we have included a few of the products and services that we offer – however if you are in need of a particular product or service, please contact the office and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.
Lead Work
We have experienced an increase in customer experiencing the theft of lead from their roofs.
Of course, lead can easily be replaced with lead, but this can be stolen again, so we have searched for products which are ideal to replace lead in easy to reach areas.
These lead substitute products are high performance, low cost aluminium flashing suitable for use as an alternative to traditional lead in both flat and pitched roof applications.
It is extremely safe to use due to it’s light-weight construction and cutting and shaping is achieved with a knife or scissors that produce no sharp edges.
Consequently installation is rapid and safe with no health and safety issues.
This lead substitute product has a 15 year guarantee with a life expectancy in excess of 20 years.
As this product does not look like traditional lead and has no re-sale or scrap value, ensuring that theft and vandalism are eliminated.